
I'm DeShawn Wert and I coach smart folks to learn to enjoy the fruits of their labor, allowing your head to hit the pillow feeling less exhausted and more satisfied with your day. 

The last time we were together I shared a strategy about Intentional Imbalance, what it is, and is not, and the situations you may find it a useful tool in managing your time.

I know that knowing a strategy may not change anything for you. Maybe you think…

1. "I feel guilty prioritizing my own needs over my family's well-being. I don't want them to feel neglected or unimportant."

2. "I'm afraid of being judged by others if I focus more on my career or personal goals than on maintaining harmony at home."

3. "I've always been taught that women should prioritize their family and household responsibilities above all else. Deviating from this norm feels uncomfortable and selfish."

So… I feel it’s time to share some basic information about how all of our brains work, so that you have some working understanding of how your brain is normally wired.

I want to share a little about our negative brain bias and an analogy of conscious choice and unconscious choices. We’ll start with the story of the Elephant and the Rider...

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