
Part #3 Clarity & A Few Guidelines to Start

Intentional Imbalance 3-Part Series

Hosted by

DeShawn Wert

The last two times we met, I introduced you to what Intentional Imbalance is and is not, and shared the different ways I and others have used it to meet the many, rich and varied seasons we have in our lives.

Hopefully, you are starting to see that the idea of life balance may be overrated, especially given your current situation and the amount of time, energy, and attention you have.

I’ve highlighted five reasons it helps as you find ways to manage time, energy and attention when life is in constant flux. 

It prioritizes your goals, values and mission for what your family is, and not letting responsibilities and relationship fall to the way side.

Brings alignment with your values, passions and goals should not be considered selfish in any way

This approach is not a rigid or prescriptive ONE SIZE FITS ALL approach to life but rather a personalized and flexible one tailored to individual needs, values, and circumstances. Each one of us has the knowledge and skills to choose for our families needs.

This tool includes prioritizing self-care, mental health, and well-being as essential components of a balanced and fulfilling life. So it’s not neglectfulness of others' needs but recognizes the importance of self-care and personal growth in our abilities to support and care for others.

I love this strategy because it can be empowering to make intentional choices about allocating time, energy, and resources based on the unique needs and priorities of our families. This is different from perfection, as intentional imbalance does not require achieving perfect balance at all times but instead involves accepting the ebb and flow of priorities and seasons BY EMPOWERING YOU to take care of the needed priorities you have.

I actually think many women use the mentioned intentional imbalance but may often feel guilty about it since we were not “balancing” all aspects of our life and I hope I’ve properly busted that myth!

Additionally, you are living in an imbalance and are feeling guilty, I think it’s very likely other’s expectations are the priorities are being used and those may not be fitting yours or your families needs. The rub may be in lack of your priorities, You may be out of alignment. 

This third way and what I am sharing is to get clear and choose several priorities for you that align with your goals and plans as a family. I also give permission (if you need it) to include your self care to the mix of the daily to-dos as your live each day imbalanced.

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